Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cholesterol, no problems.

Rob came home this weekend. So it was really nice for all of us to be together. The weather has played it's part. Really nice spring days. Here come the allergies!

It's great having the weekends without treatment(s). It gives my body a chance to play catch up. To look at this in it's most basic form, it's letting the damaged bad cells die and the damaged good cells regenerate (get well). I'm starting to feel the effects of the radiation on my swallowing. I still have a good appetite but I really have to consciously chew my food more as it hurts going down. I just have to get used to not scarfing down my food. This is all not unexpected.

I had a yearning for KFC for dinner. Don't ask why! I have concluded that if the cancer doesn't kill me my cholesterol will !!!


  1. How in your right mind can you eat KFC when not more than 16 months ago we were all sitting at Bobba's dining room table, eating lunch? If you recall, Han had been craving KFC-like chicken, and so someone went to Publix and bought one of the ready-made chickens. Hannah took a bite and as she was swallowing, someone else (maybe Robyn) exclaimed, "There's hair coming out of the chicken!" The fried chicken kernel pieces had big tufts of hair stuck to them.
    Needless to say, Han then started gagging and ran away, presumably to throw up.
    I really thought we all had a fried chicken complex after that, but apparently you let it go Ade...

  2. hahahahaha! That's so funny. that's what you get when you eat KFC
