Our week in London had begun and all the trepidation that I felt prior to the journey disappeared. The weather was actually clear and even tho' cold, a bright blue sky welcomed us! We sped back to the house,had a short rest and then Rus picked us up and off we went to the clinic. Really good to see everyone and they were very happy to see us. My Mom dived head first into her treatments and I just chatted to the gang happy to be here! I even had the opportunity to chat to a French Surgeon at the clinic who is an expert on Giblet extraction! (Please send personal email addresses to me for more info on this procedure!) It was great dining together that night and over dinner we planned the next few days events. Off to bed......me in the Penthouse and Mom in her room!
After an excellent nights sleep I woke up relaxed and we planned to spend most of the day hanging out at the clinic and then dinner with my nephews Oren and Ilan and Ilan's girlfriend Carolina. We met the other French surgeon and had some interesting talks with some of his patients! Good to see how busy the clinic was and meet all the different doctors some of whom had brought in food for everyone! The Christmas spirit has well and truly kicked in! Left a tired Mom at home and went with Rus to get her hip pain sorted out! Good to be the escort to the patient this time! And did I tell you that everyone said I look great!!!! Still a slightly plump hamster. Fish and Chips for dinner and great to be all together. I have to say it's great to be with my sisters and their families and of course my Mommy! Need to report that the sleep wasn't that great. Heartburn like you have no idea! When I finally managed to fall asleep it was great as I needed to be ready for my big day! FOOTBALL .

Soft Boiled eggs and soldiers for breakfast on day 3 and then off to Shul with Rabbi Schlochem and Ilan (my nephew) who felt like going and invited me along! My brother-in-law Gerry, aka Rabbi Schlochem, has been going to shul every Saturday since my adventure began and he is now part of the inner sanctum at Shul! Maybe it's the kiddush food that is so appealing to him!
We lunched at Nandos, us three, and then waited for Peter to pick us up for THE GAME!!! We were picked up and chauffeured to the front door of White Hart lane. My excitement was palpable as we made our way to the private box with the other 5 guys. 6 out 8 of us were Man U supporters and the other 2 Tottenham as was Peter the owner of the box!!! What a day! What a game ! What an atmosphere and so amazing to be at a live game! I even braved the cold and spent some time outside, in the stands, absorbing everything with Peter's sons Gerald and James. Although it was a draw it was totally worth it and it was the first time I had seen Man U live! I will definitely do it again! Now that I know how great it feels, this is just the beginning!
I was buzzing all night and when we got back to the house I was just babbling on and on about the game. Ruth and David (Rus and Ger's friends) didn't even get a word in. In fact I was so wired I only got to bed at 12! Me, Baltimore Boy! Have you ever!
And by the way, my Mom had a good day too! She bought me a great jacket, scarf and cashmere sweater! My Mom looked great after her total hair makeover! And even The Duchess of Kent, who sat next to her at the hairdresser, admired her hair!
Carpe Diem.