Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sorry. I didn’t mean to be so cryptic.

It’s about Lance Armstrong. Even though his LIVESTRONG foundation ultimately does good work, I am so disappointed in him as a role model that I can no longer wear the yellow bracelet. Anyone want a Zimkids Orphan Trust bracelet ?

Carpe Diem.

As of this day forward

I am no longer wearing my LIVESTRONG yellow bracelet. I am truly saddened and disappointed by all that has transpired these past few weeks. To all my friends and family that have worn this bracelet in support of me and others dealing with cancer, I say a simple “thank you”.

Carpe Diem.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Damn ! I forgot.

After being off chemo for 4 months I forgot what side effects I endured during all my treatments. This shit has come back with a vengeance.
Bad stomach cramps

How much fun can one person have ?

Carpe Diem ?