I would just like to say thanks to all for keeping up with the blog. It really has been a wonderful outlet for me to keep a personal journal and to keep everyone else informed. It makes it very easy for Me, Diana and the rest of the family. My apologies if I have missed returning phone calls or emails. I know you all understand.
Looking forward to a big game this morning between Man Utd and Arsenal. Go Reds.
What a game. We won 2-1. Incredibly exciting. I honestly thought that Diana was going to come completely unglued during the game.
Diana and Mike came back from Bestbuy this afternoon with a brand spanking new really cool SLR digital camera for me. Can't wait to use it. Boy, what a guy has to do to get gifts around here.
Rob goes back to school tonight. She will be home again next weekend though.
Physically I am doing fine. My weight has remained constant and my appetite seems to still be ok.I had my usual brief afternoon nap. The fatigue is not too bad yet. However, the swallowing thing is tough. Not unexpected, but none the less uncomfortable. I will talk to Dr. Brenner tomorrow at radiation..
For all you Treekie fans (Star Trek), it feels like I have a communication device implanted in my left upper chest. A wee bit gross. I am talking about the Portacath.
Hope you have a big appetite for Saturday. I'm stopping off in Chinatown for the shrimp dumpling. I intend to make a big haul. I don't think I've driving a kosker kar so there should be no issues on the way down. the dumpling are soft so hopefully it will be a big easier to swallow. We're all very much looking forward to our visit and Seder. This will be Luca's first Seder so he is especially excited.