Still no call from Governor or for those that are thoroughly confused, no results yet from the PET/CT scan.
But lots going on. I just heard from a lady at the American Cancer Society here in Baltimore and I will soon have a job. I finally did what my parents told me to do many years ago. "Go get a job". I will be driving chemo patients to therapy a couple of days a week. No, I'm not doing this for money. I'm volunteering. How cool is that ?
Also, there has been lots of positive developments with regards ZimKids in Bulawayo. Jen, my oncology nurse has been collecting medical supplies and other assorted stuff for the children and also for the doctor who takes care of the children pro bono. Jen, along with many of her co-workers, friends and family, has collected an amazing amount and array of stuff. A lot of the medical stuff will also go to a private hospital in Bulawayo.
On a sad note, I would like to wish the Jenkins family well and offer my condolences. Rosh, a fellow UPS pilot, husband to Julie and father to Brandon, Tyler & Hannah passed away recently after a valiant battle with cancer. Blue skies and tale winds Rosh.
Carpe Diem.