Friday, August 31, 2012

Zimkids update

By Dennis Gaboury - Founder, Chair, Board of Trustees

As you might have noticed, we updated our GlobalGiving project page to reflect that Zimkids now has a new home.  We are happily and productively operating out of our new building. We worked 7 days a week for the last few months to open on July 31st. We’ve entered a whole new era – thanks to so many of you.  You can see the project in a 2 minute slideshow by going to
Now that we have land, along with a greenhouse and drip irrigation system, we can produce much of the food the orphans we serve require – along with training in modern agricultural techniques using little water or fertilizer. Our goal, after all, has never been to foster dependency. While we will continue to provide them with staple foods, we are encouraging them to work with our staff to grow the vegetables and – later -fruit that will add such critical nutrition to their starch-heavy diet. Our donations for kale will be used for seed or soy protein.  We are ending beef distribution because meat inspection is now untrustworthy because of corruption.
We’ve been able to improve our educational programs substantially. In addition to paying school fees, we will be offering tutoring in our own resource center, a library and a fantastic computer center that will allow the children to enter the 21st century in style. Our old Council of Elders, who “graduated” into Seniors, and who built our center and who will now be referred to as Staff will receive ongoing training in first aid, counseling, management, accounts which in a year’s time they will pass on to our next generation of Seniors.
Our staff members are receiving basic first aid and minor medical training so that they can work with our physicians.
We’re also expanding the on-the-job vocational training we gave to the Seniors with training in metalwork (take a look at the phenomenal metal shields that hold up our computer desks – we’re already offering similar ones for sale!) And our center is entirely powered by solar energy!
With our new space, we have been able to broaden our recreational activities to include netball, which is popular with the girls, an obstacle course which under the guidance of Foster Dingani, one of our exceptional Seniors, will build the obstacle course as a carpentry training program for the older children, and board games for rainy days, in addition to our old programs in performing arts, visual arts, and soccer. If you take a peak at the slide show you will see the murals on the walls that surround the Center, you’ll see the work of our amazing new art teacher, Shaka, who is currently working with the children to design and paint murals on the inside of the walls.
Finally, we’re making a serious push on special training for our girls, who are growing up in a society where rape is an epidemic, families press for early marriage to gain access to cash (since the husband needs to pay for the privilege of marriage), sanitary napkins are expensive, and obedience is prized. Two of our trainees who built the new center are young women, and they are taking the lead in designing programs to help teach the younger women and girls the lesson that they have learned about protecting themselves, the value of saying NO, and standing up for their rights. They will be bolstered by a nurse who will teach them about family planning and reproductive health.
You can visit our facebook page at or our website, currently being updated to see photos of the project. Our website is currently being updated.
Stay tuned, please. We have already been widely recognized as one of the most innovative orphan projects in Africa, and we’re just getting going to show what can be accomplished by a center built by orphans and run by orphans for orphans.
I am in the States until I return to Zimbabwe in December and have lots of frequent flyer miles if you or your organization would like to host Zimkids for fundraising events.  Wherever possible we can set up skype video conferences with our kids and yours bridging the miles and bringing the smiles to opposite sides of the globe!

In the mean time……..

Mike is back at school in his senior year of mechanical engineering. He also has a part time internship (paid) that he is quite excited about. His pet ball python “Nyoka” continues to grow.

Rob leaves for the UK towards the end of September. She is really excited about completing her Masters in Sports Psychology. In the meantime she is still enjoying coaching and playing soccer.

Max continues to plug along at 15+ years. He is almost completely blind, deaf and a bit incontinent. But, nonetheless, he is loved dearly. Rob is definitely “alpha” now with me relegated to “omega” !

Aunt E is fine. Playing and watching as much tennis as she can.

As for me………who cares. Not really. Traveling as much as I can and loving it.

Carpe Diem.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A visit with the “Warden”

I had my port flush, bloodwork and Dr. check up today. Here is how things went:

The port flushed beautifully. Just like a brand new commode from Home Depot :-)

The bloodwork and vitals were all fine. Allow me to dispel some myths. There are no blood markers or blood tests for lung cancer. When I say all is fine it means all the standard blood stuff (white cells, red cells etc.) are normal. I have however, put on 3 more pounds. My BMI (body mass index) is slowly creeping up. I know. Stop eating like a pig !

My meeting with Dr. S went well. We have set up my next scans for September 26th and doctor’s appointment for September 28th. Depending on how the scans look a determination will be made then as to whether we need to restart chemo or continue on my well deserved break. I know what I prefer.

Carpe Diem.