Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday and lots going on

I woke up at about 4am. Not the greatest of sleeps but I am feeling pretty good so far.

We have the plumbers coming in today to instal an additional hot water electiric heater. That way we will run the exiting gas and new electric heaters in series all the time. But we will have the ability to isolate either heater if there is a problem. Sounds cool - hope it works!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chemo 1 (Round 2)

Today was the Round 2 of my next chemo course. A six week course. Carboplatin on week one and week 4. I've had this before. Gemzar weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5. New drug. Erbitux weekly. New drug. I should be able to tolerate these drugs quite well. Erbitux causes a rash which looks like acne. Oh joy to the world. I'll just have to deal with it! Like all of you have never had acne!!!

I will be brutally honest with you all. The one thing I have feared most through this whole ordeal is that I do not look sickly. Yes I have lost weight and I am at 140lbs now. The swallowing is ok and my appetite for the most part is good. So hopefully I will be putting the weight back on as we progress forward. It is so pleasant to have people tell you that you look good. Not that anyone needs to lie but hearing something like " you look bloody awful " would be a bit of a blow.

The infusion itself was really long. About 7 hours. Cheryl was my nurse as Mary was away on holiday. Robyn and Mike accompanied me to this session and it was a huge boost for me. After a quick lunch I asked them to leave as it had been a couple of hours and I did not want to overload them. Diana picked me up. I was feeling really tired and achy when I got home. Bad fatigue. After a bath, light meal and some meds I tried to go to sleep but because of the achyness I could not fall asleep. Must have finally dozed off at midnight.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday and homeward bound

Well here I am on the flight back to Baltimore after a very refreshing and soul rejuvenating couple of days in Boca with my mom and sister Russy. Yes it is me writing again in the blog. It looks like I have lost my secretary/nurse/therapist/big sister. Oh well.

I find it difficult to put into words just how supportive my immediate family has been throughout my ordeal. That's not to take anything away from my extended family and friends who have been unbelievable as well.

On a very personal note. To Diana, Robyn, Michael, Mom, Russ and Phil. I cannot adequately express my true love and admiration for you all. I know that this war/battle would have been infinitely more difficult to endure had it not been for your support and undying love. You have put up with so much and have all been so generous with your time. There are still lots of days when I think of all the difficulties that lie ahead but you all seem to pull me back to a better place. When I'm having a lousy day you sense and feel it and somehow you always seem to drag me out of the darkness. Let me say again that I don't think I will ever be able to repay the love and kindness you all have shown me. Not in this life time or the next! The only way I know is to win this war and survive these battles. No matter how long it takes. I love you all.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I'm still writing for him!!!

and then Sunday....

Today was Yom Basa. Let me explain....there is a great expression in Arabic.Yom Asa,Yom Basa. Basically one day A grade the other B grade.
Ade knows the minute he wakes which it is and the trick is to learn some techniques to prevent the physical 'not great feeling' making his mind contribute so much to the overwhelming downer!
We had a less than successful breakfast and he was able to sleep a little and we did do our beach walk which was as normal so beautiful!
Sleep was really the order of the day and Ade's good friend Howard Palte and his lovely wife Michelle came round at 5. We chatted and went off with them to a seafood far so good....came home and even a bath(Ade's total repair mechanism) didn't help so off to bed and let's see what tomorrow brings!!!!?