Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Living the high life with Stage 4A lung cancer.

Carpe Diem.

Consult with Dr. Erlich

I had a good meeting and consult with my original oncologist and friend, Dr. Erlich.

Three suggestions to Dr. Schreader were as follows.
1. Lower my Alimta dosage if I continue to have more lousy days during the 21 day cycle.
2. Have me checked for the EML4-ALK genetic mutation. 
    This would tell if I am able to receive a twice a day pill instead of the IV Infusions.
3. Get a follow up MRI brain scan done. My last scan was over a year and a half ago. With my type of    
    cancer the most likely spread would be to the brain which would be more difficult to treat.

Carpe Diem.