No, not me. Max. A couple of days ago Max went to the vet for his yearly shots and check up. The good news is he is generally in pretty good health. The not so good news is he has cataracts and is going a bit deaf. What? Not bad for a 12.5 year old doggie. Before cataract surgery he is going to try glasses. It's just difficult for him to put them on and take them off!. In all honesty, I don't mean to make light of his health. We will do whatever is required to help my boy.
Today, we had more fun. Well, not really. On our usual walk through our forest Max got stung by a bunch of f*@king bees. We had to take him to the vet where they gave him a steroid and benadryl shot. I was really lucky not to get stung as I was helping him. He is doing fine now. Quite a tough boy. I now officially hate honey!
The kids are home this weekend from school. So much for the empty nest!
Carpe Diem.