Friday, April 11, 2008

Radiation Round 13 (On a Friday!)

Quick and painless. I consider it lucky to have my 13th radiation treatment on a Friday. Lucky because it's Friday with weekends off. Lucky because Rob is coming home today for the weekend. Lucky because the weather is spectacular (70's F /20's C). Lucky because I'm feeling really well so far today. Slight fatigue and a slight sore throat. It's like thanksgiving every day. Thankful for my wife and kids. Thankful for my family and friends. Thankful and grateful to strangers that have kept me in their thoughts and prayers. Mostly, I'm thankful for the people I meet going through very similar ordeals. People (complete strangers) that I talk to and listen to. Yes, even me listening!

Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting a lady, during my chemo treatment, who was being treated for colon cancer. I do not know anything else about her other than the fact that when I looked into her eyes she seemed so sad and afraid. She had an IV in her arm and I showed her my Portacath and explained a bit about it to her. Her nurse was thrilled and grateful to me for the explanation and the show and tell. I have no way of knowing if she would be able to receive a Portacath from her insurance carrier or even be able to afford the procedure herself. I'm not trying to make assumptions here but one can only hope that she gets the treatment and procedures she deserves. I, once again, am thankful to have talked to her. I am also very grateful and thankful to my company (UPS) for the financial position that I, and my family, are in and for the incredible medical coverage that I have. I also want to believe they got a first rate employee in the deal.

My fervent hope and desire is that I win this battle/war and am able to make a difference in other peoples lives.


  1. You've got the absolute right spirit. With that attitude, YOU would have lead Shackelton to safety. You can lead me anytime.

  2. How, you know I'm scared of heights!

  3. I'm Exhausted:

    Hey Guys,

    I'm glad to see that today's treatment went well and that for the most part it's all been going well. I think you can thank me for that but it's exhausting.

    Ade, I told you that every time I saw a UPS truck/van/driver etc. I'd say a little prayer. Then I decided I was seeing too many Purolator and FedEx trucks going by and losing additional opportunities to say extra prayers.

    So, I've added all the courier companies out there (including the bike couriers that are coming out of their hibernation now that spring is here).

    I've been managing pretty well, until yesterday. I was in New York for a few meetings and I gotta tell you there are more delivery guys/trucks etc. than there are people! I was exhausted by the time I left last night. And then as the plane took off, I had to add a few extra quick ones for all the courier planes I saw on the ground.

    It's clearly working as your treatments are going well, so I'll keep it going strong. And good news! I've just decided to add postal trucks and mailmen to the routine so you should be better in no time.

    Gotta go now, I have to rest up for tomorrow's set of prayers.

    Linda (AKA Adnil)

  4. Ad,
    thanks so much but I really think you should limit the prayers to UPS only. Wouldn't want good messages and vibes getting into the wrong hands!
