I had my PET/CT scan done this morning. It's been about 4 months since my last scan which is a little longer gap than normal. Normal being 2 - 3 months. Needless to say, the pressure and anxiety I get waiting for the results is always tough to deal with. Throw in my latest cough and infection and you can see that it was not a good recipe for calmness and serenity.
Well, Dr. Schraeder called, just a short while ago, to give us very good news. There is still no indication of spread anywhere else and the uptake that was observed in the right pleura has diminished slightly. As technical as this all sounds, the news is good.
I am thrilled. But I always temper my joy, enthusiasm and happiness with a slight dose of reality. The reality being that this is a lousy, awful disease and you can never take any of it for granted. You more or less endure from scan to scan. Now, more than ever I subscribe to......................
Carpe Diem.