Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Radiation Round 15

Let me describe, if I may, how it feels to swallow right now. It's like eating really dry toast and getting it stuck half way down your gullet.

Round 15 went pretty quick today. I feel a little better today. It must be the fact that my mom arrives today. Yes, "Bobba Bear" (Jeanette/Bokkie, all the same person) arrives at lunch time today. She will stay a couple of weeks. We are all really looking forward to this visit. The last couple of days I have lost a few lbs. I'm sure between my mom and Diana they will try (and probably succeed) in fattening up this Thanksgiving turkey (me).

I'm off to yoga this morning at Hopewell House.


  1. since your throat is sore, you should just text me instead :) BOBBITZ IS COMING!!!!!! yay! and im still going to call you fat man no matter what

  2. That's such a powerful description. But it sounds like...uh...no fun at all. We'll try to squeeze some dumplings down the ol' pie hole over the weekend. Let's see what Bob-bear can whip up in the kitchen that will slither down your throat. You always liked her baby worms in hot Mexican oil. That should go down easily.

  3. You have an amazing attitude, Adrian. We're rooting for you!!

    Judi & Mike Knopke
    (Howard's sister & brother-in-law)

  4. by the way, your description of swallowing now, sounds like what happens when you eat too much Afikomen (holy matzoh eaten on Passover for you readers who may not know).
