Hi all. I'm sorry it's been such a long while that I have written on the blog. No I haven't given it up!!! I've just hit a bit of a rough patch. I will try and keep up to date and as I add new stuff you may have dig backwards.
Hi Ade, hope you are feeling much better. I have been reading some of your blog and getting the odd bit of info from whoever is around and sounds as if you are doing quite well. We are thnking of you and wish you well and lots of love from all of us to you, Diana and kids and know you are in our thoughts. Lots of love from the Marees and Cape Town
Hi Ade, hope you are feeling much better. I have been reading some of your blog and getting the odd bit of info from whoever is around and sounds as if you are doing quite well. We are thnking of you and wish you well and lots of love from all of us to you, Diana and kids and know you are in our thoughts. Lots of love from the Marees and Cape Town