Monday, June 22, 2009

Chemo 1 (Round 6)

Yes indeed. I've started up again. My blood work was fine and my PET/CT was good news. Overall Dr. Schraeder was pleased with the scan results as there was no evidence of any spreading of the cancer. Whoopee. Today I started back on Alimta which will be given every 3 weeks. Next cycle they will add Avastin. Both these drugs were shown to be favorable on the genetic and molecular testing.

Dr. Sidransky called today to inform me that one of the "MouseSkins" is showing signs of tumor development. This is encouraging for future testing. Keep on plugging my little "MouseSkin" family and thank you for your rather expensive contribution!!!

Carpe Diem.


  1. Skin, Great news! Don't tell Rat from 'Pearls' about the testing!

  2. Excellent news! Made my day. Keep it up.

  3. While chemo is tough at least your here for it. They used a mouse, in your case wouldn't a rhino be a better match.

    Bob P

  4. So happy to hear of the good news! Hang in there, Ade. Going in the right direction!
