Thursday, April 2, 2009

A fresh start

Yesterday I had my PET/CT scan. I was hoping that my Sinai oncologist Dr. Kumar would call us with the results. But no, they thought it would be appropriate for me to wait 8 days to get my results. Dr. Kumar is on holiday right now. Needless to say, this didn't sit well with me at all.

Fortunately, today we had our appointment with the doctors at the new facility at St. Joseph Medical Center. They were able to explain the PET/CT results, which seemed to be slightly improved from my last scan in January. There was no spreading or increase in growths anywhere else. The doctors, staff and facility were all very nice and I will be starting maintenance treatment there on April 13. This should be very tolerable as I am only having 1 chemo - Alimta, every 3 weeks over a 9 week period. Then another CT scan. And we'll take it from there. It was a long day, emotionally draining and overwhelming for me. But I still feel we're on the right track. Hopefully Dr. Erlich will re-enter the picture once he has established himself in a practice. But for now, we press on.

Carpe Diem.


  1. Good to know you have a plan! Thinking of you.

  2. You could develop an ulcer from the aggravating way the hospital treats patients. But as Lily says, I'm so glad you have a plan.

  3. Its amazing that they just don't understand that you want to know yesterday even when the news is good enough that it wait

  4. Hey Ade-
    Posted a message yesterday, but hadn't seen the last 3 of your entries. Don't know why or what happened to my last message to you. Anyway, was thrilled, thrilled to read your news about the results of your scan. Excellent! Very happy to hear that things are going in the right direction!
    REally appreciate reading about the Zim Project. How can I get a doll? Maybe I missed that part? You are really making a difference in the lives of those kids, Adrian. I don't think there is anything more admirable than that.

    Nice seeing the pic of your mum. My love to her, please tell her! Keep on truckin', Ade. You are doing well.
