The pile of 10kg bags of maize meal ready for distribution.

Making dolls - Girls.

Sithibile with advanced case of scabbies. Found her this way when I arrived in October. No money for medicine. She's fine now but it's making it's way through the group. Most get it when they go to the rural areas.

When I sell a doll I ask that the buyer write a note to the child who made theirs. Here the children are reading their notes. Then they will write a thank you note back. When I sell a doll I take a photo of the buyer so the child can see the person who bought theirs.

Making dolls - Boys.

Recent food distribution.

Silethemba carrying 10 kg meal home along with veggies, oil and meat

Brian Dube about 6 weeks before he died
Amazing work. So inspiring. And I loved the video. Very professional. Who shot and produced?