Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend Update

Well most of the weekend was great. I will qualify that later on. Again, let me just say that the visit from my uncle Hymie, Aunt Joan and cousin Jennifer was wonderful. We had a really nice time with them. Lots of time at the pool because of the heat wave. Also, I have started to eat solid foods again. This is what may have caused me to say earlier that most of the weekend was OK. On Sunday morning I guess I overdid the getting back to eating thing. The nice egg and turkey bacon I made for myself did not want to stay down!!! After having chatted with the doctor I realised that it has to be a slow process back to solid foods.

The other thing I realised is that I will have a few good days and then a rough day or two. The good and encouraging thing is that the good days outnumber the bad days and at least I can eat now as the pain is bearable and manageable.

The other good thing right now is that the Euro 2008 Football (soccer) tournament is on. A lot of tremendous countries (from Europe) playing some awesome football. Off to watch.


  1. I'm glad you have your football. It's good to get lost in the world of sport. Who are you rooting for? The rumor is you're backing Belgium.

  2. Hey, Ade. I can't speak about Euro football, but if you wanna talk Celtics vs. Lakers, I may be able to say a word or two. Keeping my fingers crossed for the game tonite. The last one was a killer!
    Happy happy happy that you are on the upswing with eating. The fact that you are capable of overdoing it is a great sign in my book bc you obviously want to eat. Take it easy, Ade. Pace yourself, will ya? Hoping every day gets better and better.

    Go Celtics!

  3. Good morning, Ade. Hmmmm........once again, I see my message did not get posted. Wonder what my problem is....No matter. The main thing is the great news that you are on the upswing! That's really fab! I am happy to know you have an appetite. Hope each day gets better and better.
    Don't know anything about Euro Football, but am closely watching the Celts vs. Lakers. Bummer last night. Too stressful to watch!

  4. Hi Adrian-
    For some reason, my last two messages did not get to you despite the fact that they appeared that they had. Hope you get this one.

    I am greatly encouraged that you are able to eat more, and are finding it more manageable. That's very positive news! That's so important. I know you have challenges ahead of you, but take it one day at a time. We are all plugging for you, ya know!

    Sorry-I know nothing about European football, but I'm doing my best to follow the Celts. Too bad we lost last night. Glad you have some distractions.

    Take good care, Ade.
