Friday, June 13, 2008

PET Scan/CAT Scan

Once again, sorry about not getting the news out on the blog sooner ,but we have just gotten our Internet back online. Friday morning, I had my pet/cat scan. A few, long hours later Dr. Erlich called with the results. The tumor in my lung is completely gone!!!! There were still a few mildly active sites at the nodes which could be inflammation, or not. Either way, I'm going to have another round of totally different chemotherapeutics for about 2 months. I'll have more info at our meeting this Wednesday. I'm just relieved that my lung is clear.

So much for Friday the 13th!!!

Oh, and Mike passed his drivers test today. First time and did quite well.


  1. Yippee!!!!!
    And congrats to Mike. Love to everyone.

  2. Ade-
    You rock! And I also mean that "you are a rock!" Couldn't be happier to hear the news. Great!
    And nice goin' for Mike. Too bad gas is so freaking expensive!

  3. Awesome news Adrian. Attitude is a big player and you have definitely had it in your corner.
    Cheers, Pat

  4. Adrian
    Great news. The next round should get it for good.

