Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This is what the needle biopsy is supposed to yield...

Champions Oncology, Inc. will perform, as a research project, massive genome-wide sequencing. During this process your tumor sample will be compared to your normal tissue (blood) to identify tumor-specific mutations that may be present. Following the sequencing effort, comprehensive bioinformatic analyses will evaluate known cancer genes as well as alterations in the remaining genes.

The whole exome mutational analysis report for deep sequencing will provide comprehensive data on a variety of different genetic alterations in genes. It will include a summary of analyzed sequence data for all exomes sequenced and identify somatic mutations in the tumor tissue provided. In addition, key germline changes will be provided.
The turnaround time for a completed report is approximately 60-90 days from receipt of all samples. A member of the Champions Oncology team will discuss the final report with your physician. The project will be initiated at the time full payment is received. 

The fee for this sequencing research project is.....$Non Of Your Business :-)

Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. Adrian,
    So happy to hear this news. Wishing you a belated happy new year. Take care. Thinking of you from afar.
    Love, Sabrina (nee Amato), a voice from your past XXX
