Monday, November 21, 2011

Chemo 20 (Round 7)

And we keep going.

All is well with the blood work, vitals and weight. I will closely monitor this 21 day cycle to see how I feel and what problems I note.

I met with Dr. Schraeder and this is what we discussed.

1. We will continue the current treatment and dosage of the Alimta and Avastin every 21 days. If I note an
    increase in lousy days he will then consider lowering the Alimta dosage.

2. I was checked for the EML4-ALK genetic mutation just over a year ago. I was negative for the test 
    which means that I am not a candidate for this new drug. Oh well. Only about 5% of people 
    tested are ever positive. Pretty tough odds.

3. I will get a MRI brain scan done in the very near future.

Carpe Diem.


  1. Adrian
    I am sure they will find nothing when they do the brain scan. ;)

    Bob P

  2. MRI brain scans = quite a good nap. :)
