Monday, January 25, 2010

The MouseSkin update

Here is the latest update on the MouseSkin Family. Yes Bob, even though they are not mentioned, the Texan side of the family are bigger and stronger :) I will be meeting with Dr. Sidransky soon to further discuss the MouseSkin family developments.

Hi Adrian,

There are a total of 12 mice in our Maryland facility. From the initial implantation, there are 9 mice with measurable tumors. In the next generation ( F1) there are two mice with measureable tumor. There are no other changes.

Sara Parkerson, RN, MSN, OCN, CCM
Director Personalized Oncology Services

Champions Biotechnology, Inc.
Science & Technology Park at Johns Hopkins

Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. Adrian
    Bet they are tougher and meaner also. Glad to hear about the spacing on the scans and infusions. I understand what this means to your family.

    Bob P
