Monday, September 14, 2009

A wonderful surprise today

I had the most incredible surprise today concerning our ZimKids project. For the past number of days I had been working with two of the most wonderful pilot friends of mine at UPS that are involved in our Independent Pilots Association IPA (union) charitable Foundation (John D. and Tim B.). This Foundation was established by our pilots of which I have been a participating member since its inception quite a number of years ago.

I cannot begin to explain the generosity of this pilot group of which I am very proud to be associated with. We are all fortunate to be employed by a very good company (UPS) making very good livings. Of course, as pilots, we can always find things to complain and whine about. It's simply part of our core being (I say this with tongue in cheek)! However, while we may not all agree on every cause the Foundation Trustees choose to support we all, non the less, understand the concept and idea of giving back. In this particular case the trustees choose to support the ZimKids project with an incredible initial donation that almost meets a third of our yearly budget.

I have difficulty explaining how much this donation and it's source mean to me. Even though I have been on extended medical leave my Company and of course, my Association has never forgotten me. The love, caring and prayers from so many of my flying "family" mean the world to me and has been an incredible source of support. I am humbled, honored and truly touched by all of this. Words are simply not enough to express my gratitude. I am and will forever be a very proud member of this group of people.

To all of you, I say, may you all have blue sky and tail winds and of course, safe flying. Remember to trust your bodies in what they are trying to tell you and may you all stay in good health.

With deep gratitude, love and affection,
Adrian Suskin,
B757/767 Captain Louisville.

Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. Adrian
    John and Tim, both good men who have worked hard at every task they have taken on.

    Bob P
