Friday, March 27, 2009

Here in Boca

Mike stayed Thursday night in hospital and was discharged Friday afternoon. He is doing well at home. I guess now he does have a reason for missing some school. Sorry Mike. I should have listened to you trusting (and listening) to your own body.

What's really nice about being here in Boca, other than the obvious good time spent with my mom, is that I have no timetable or agenda. I'm just chilling. Friday afternoon my mom, Ilan and I went for the obligatory Jamba Juice. Friday evening we then went to Ilan and Robyn for Shabbat dinner. We had a really nice time talking and eating. The food was great.

I have been sleeping quite well and doing my morning and evening walks on the beach to the pier. I'm just trying to wash away all the past pains and stresses. I think I'm doing ok.

Carpe Diem.


  1. Florida time is good time. No agendas. No where to go. Just stroll the beach, watch the waves, observe the sky at sunset. Glad you're chilling there. The Northeast is chilly and gray.

  2. Wow, Ade. I turn my back for a moment, and Mike has his appendix out---just to mix it up a bit! Hope he is doing well--glad it didn't turn out to be more problematic than that!

    Enjoy your time in Boca. It's raw and rainy here in Boston, but I think spring is due to arrive sometime next week. Hope you are getting the R&R you need down there!

    Congrats to Diana on passing her test! It seems there's always stuff going on down there!

    Hang in there, Ade. I know you've got a busy week. Will be thinking of you and checking in--trying to keep your stats up!! :-)

  3. Just checking in to let you know that you are on my mind. Hope you are doing ok. I like that you are keeping the Zim kids photo on the blog. It keeps driving the point home about keeping them on our radar screen.

    Wishing you well this week.

  4. Good morning, Ade!
    Just wanted to check in and let you know I am thinking of you. I am also thinking of your stats (ever since you mentioned them!) and want to do my part to keep them high. Hope you are doing well and can enjoy your weekend. The weather in Beantown could be nicer, but at least it's not too cold. Tomorrow will be 60 degrees!! Hoping the sun will shine on you! xxx
