DING! After a pretty shitty nights sleep it's chemo 1 (round 4). My last chemo treatment was about 6 months ago. What a reprieve!

My Oncangel (Mary) put me through my paces and my ever so faithful side kick and left/right hand lady, Diana, was there with me. It took about 5 hours today. A little longer than usual, but all things considered, it was the first day (round). It usually takes about 4 hours because of the blood work and the pre meds. The next couple of days I have to follow up the chemo with 2 shots of Neupogen. No, it's not some exotic booze cocktail. It's primarily to keep my white blood count from crashing.
Now, how do I feel you ask? Pretty good so far!!! I haven't experienced that sensitivity to cold yet but, believe it or not, I'm taking precautions. I'm also under those watchful eyes of Diana and Mike. The sleeping has been crappy but that's partly because I am on a 3 day regimen of steroids to help with the chemo side effects. Like I mentioned before. For every boo boo they have a band aid.
Carpe Diem.
Are you able to get a ring girl to carry around a card between rounds? I would offer but it would make you more sick to your stomach than the treatments. Hang in there and keep pressing forward.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Pat
Hi Adrien just to tell you that you are in my thoughts and I send you much love and light. Your positive attitude is great and keep it up as there is nothing stronger than the thoughts that we send out into the universe. Hop eto you you sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteWith love,
Marcelle (Trappler)
Well round one is in your rear view mirror. As for the sensitivity to cold....good thing it's pretty warm in the Northeast this week. NOT! And thanks for the text message from the doctor's office. That was communicating in real time. If you just learn to twitter, we'll really know what's going on. But no matter how you communicate with us....we're all standing behind you as a strong army.