I must say, I am really getting used to this hectic lifestyle. No rest for the wicked! Breakfast with one of Rus's closest friends Debs, who actually needed us to rescue her from her apartment as she had locked herself in! Yes, believe it or not, in. That was my introduction to Debs! We had a lovely brekkie at one of Londons' best restaurants (The Wolseley) and then walked down to see Buckingham Palace. We trod on the red Queen owned road and then walked back past the Grenadier Guards. It is so great being in England because all of this history is what I had grown up with and it felt strangely comfortable. The weather was so much better we were able to walk quite a way and I was pleased as I'm not as fit as I'm used to and my breathing is really compromised. Hopefully the visit with the pulmonologist will clear this up. It was really good to meet Debs and I was able to thank her for being my big sisters support here!
We were all invited to my cousin Mon for late Sunday lunch and en route we met my Mom and Gerry at Oren's office! Lunch at Mon’s was great and her apartment is really grand. We had an excellent meal and then we sat, stuffed with food listening to her play the piano masterfully! Really mellow Sunday afternoon and by the time we left it was dark! I drove Oren’s Porsche home so …no jokes please…and I amazed myself negotiating the small London roads in terrible traffic.
An early bedtime was planned. We needed to be up early for the day in Paris!

Carpe Diem.
Sounds so great Ade. London is a great place to be a tourist. There is so much to see....and it all feels so familar. When I see you over Christmas, you have to teach me how to put several pictures on a blog post. I have trouble with that.