On Saturday morning, after a really cool breakfast of turkey bacon and eggs, we left on our adventure to Gettysburg. The new visitors center was really amazing. Lots of interesting information and artifacts. We really lucked out with our timing. It just so happened that it was remembrance day for something that happened during the civil war (forgive my ignorance) and there were hundreds of people in costume participating in this event. It was amazing. The whole town looked like a movie set. It made you feel like you were back in that time and era. The family was fascinated by all of this as they are very much into US history - even as die hard Canadians eehh. Oh, and we also lucked out with the weather. Friday night we had a dusting of snow to welcome our guests but the weekend weather was clear but bloody cold.
Saturday evening we did the obligatory Chinese dinner and then home to watch comedy stuff on TV and consume Cinnabons.
Sunday morning was bagel, lox and cream cheese time. Lest you think that all this eating and steroids hasn't helped my appearance, check out the pictures. One of my other cousins was kind enough to describe my appearance like this:
"Nice pictures - you look like a hamster with it's cheeks full and nowhere to spit the shells out... ".
Pretty damn accurate description.
Our Sunday adventure was to DC. We did the Natural History Museum and the Air and Space Museum. My Aunt did the Holocaust Museum and then joined us at the Air and Space museum. We drove around a bit, and once again, our Canadian guests were really impressed with all the sights and history in DC. We then said goodbye to them and they left on their merry way back to BWI airport for their flight to Toronto.
Carpe Diem.
Turkey bacon? Methinks not. I heard from the head Rabbi in Tel Aviv that you really had pig bacon...and the pig came from a farm in Syria! but don't worry....the Mossad is on this to make sure it doesn't happen again.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun weekend! Minus the cinnabons...vom...come on Ade, I know you're hungry, but be a bit selective...
ReplyDeleteBionic Hoser-Man. Stop with the Turkey Bacon already - I get hungry every time I read it! I agree, much better than "Schvein." BTW, since we seem to be on a food binge, ever try Morningstar Farms "Stripples"? Made out of soy protein, and amazingly tasty, plus zero bad stuff. P.S. Remind your lovely wife that she will have to memorize and recite the Gettysburg Address while dressed in a stovepipe hat and tails, as part of the secret initiation, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Canuck-boy.