Thursday, September 11, 2008

***Just in case you are wondering***

There may be a couple of days where nothing much is going on with me and the family. I do not want to start writing trivial and mundane stuff about my travails in general so a few days may go by before I have anything of substance to write to the blog. I appreciate you all checking the blog periodically. You can rest assured that when it's a health issue, something interesting or something news worthy, I will communicate it through the blog. Once again, I appreciate and am grateful for all the blog comments and personal emails. Thanks for your love and support.

What a sad anniversary today is!

Carpe Diem.


  1. I hear what you're saying, Adrian, and it makes sense. You know there's a world of support out here for you, and that's the main thing. Hope you have a good weekend.

  2. Adrian

    Get out there and do something interesting so I have something to read.

    Bob P

  3. hey has been out of action for nearly 10 days..back on line...this muga muga thing sounds like a shona wedding dance...
    all quiet this side...keeping an eye on your blog

