Sorry all. I know I have been tardy in updating the blog. It's been a slow week as far as "exciting" news is concerned. I have been feeling like crap. This has been going on since last Wednesday and doesn't seem to have improved. I have been in touch with Dr. Erlich every day and I am on a bunch of different meds to get all this under control. Today I am actually going in to see him.
The radiation pneumonitis is playing havoc with my lungs and subsequently my breathing and coughing. The fall allergies have not helped the situation. Hopefully we will get this round of "nonsense" sorted out!
Carpe Diem.
Hey, Ade. So sorry to hear you're feeling lousy. I'm sure your docs can help by getting you on something to clear up the problem. You've been so busy lately--maybe you need to take a break! Just know I'm thinking of you and hoping you'll get back on track real soon.