Thursday, August 21, 2008

Off to Boca

Out of the way "Fay"! We are heading down to Boca for a couple of days. Looking forward to seeing my mom and also looking forward to a change of scenery.

I'm still not feeling great from Monday's chemo and Tuesday's Neulasta shot. The Neulasta shot elevates my white blood count to help ward off infections. But the shot makes me tired and achy. Combine that all with my cough which does not seem to be going away as quick as I thought. Hopefully relaxing in Boca will help all of this.


  1. Good morning, Ade! Wishing you a great time in Boca with your mom. Hope you will be able to make the most of your visit despite the way you've been feeling. Don't know when your birthday is, but Moose and I send our very best to you. The words "happy and healthy" really mean so much, and that's what we are wishing for you!!

  2. Hello Joss from Bombay,
    I hope that you have a groovy time with your mommy and that you feel a lot better very soon. Happy birthday Ade, and many many happy returns. Love from the Naaidoos and the Patels and all the other chaverim here. Shabbat Shalom,
