Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Just so that there are no misunderstandings..........I am not cancer free, I am not in remission, I have not beaten this totally (yet) and am not "out of the woods" yet! However, yesterdays news or should I say "no bad news", was a positive development for me.

I still have treatments and scans ahead of me. The duration and exactly what treatments lie ahead will be brought more into focus when we meet with Dr. Erlich on Monday August 11th at my scheduled chemo treatment.

Though I am elated and encouraged by this news I also understand something. I have to treat this as a "chronic" disease. I may be having some form of treatment for the foreseeable future. One way or the other, I plan to be around for quite some time. I have too much to do and too many people to be here for.


  1. Whereas I realize that this war is not over, I doff my cap to you, your family and team of doctors for winning the last few battles. As one of the many many friends out here rooting for you and waiting for progress, this is really good news, and we are happy for you. I will pass on the progress to the hundreds of pilots who ask about you daily. The cockpits aren't as much fun and there's a lot less laughter without you on the UPS properties.
    Be strong and filled with faith in the process,

  2. Skinny- You are looking good. Thanks for the post, I have been concerned since I haven't heard from you, but it seems as if you've been busy, and have the energy to do it, good for you. The news is good and will be getting better. We are all routing for you.
    Take care, my friend. Hope to speak to you soon.

  3. Bionic Hoser-Man! Incredibly positive news and a real boost to the spirits, no doubt! Look at it this way: You've been cleared for the approach, the weather is 300RVR, the ASA is showing Land 3, braking action is "good," all systems are go. Oh yeah, and I'm your F/O (ok, so 3 out of 5 ain't bad....)! It's do-able! Thanks for posting some pics of your Posse! Great to see your smiling mug! Canuck Hoser-boy.
