Thursday, May 1, 2008

Radiation Round 24

Round 24 went well today. As quick and painless as usual. I had a great meeting with Dr. Brenner. He explained so much about the IMRT radiation treatment. It sounds amazing. 11 more to go!

So far today, the swallowing and pain has eased up a bit. But constipation rules.

This evening we went to music night at Mike's school. He is second chair in the first violins of the school orchestra. They were pretty good but we had to leave early as I started to get a stomach ache. You can see what's coming.


  1. Ade-
    Thrilled about the pain and soreness easing up. Good news! Your time with the doc was also a positive; knowing more helps a lot.

    Keep on blogging, Adrian. For someone who hates to write a single word, I seem to like this thing. Hoping that each comment is a clear reminder to you that so many are in your corner and supporting you like crazy. Have a good night!

  2. Who are you? Don't forget to sign your name at the end of your post!!!

  3. Bionic Hoser Man! Glad you're thru some of the uncomfortable hard-to-swallow stuff. Here's to things getting a little better as you progress thru the treatments. Are you glowing in the dark yet? Hmmm, that could be kinda handy; no more flashlight for preflights, just point your finger, no need to turn on the map light to read a chart (well, in theory anyhow, actually pull a chart out and look something up on it...), no more stumbling down a dark hallway to go to the loo....
    Speaking of Round 24, on Monday I had to give about 67 of them to a patient, on paper, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean, eh? (inside joke). I felt fab afterwards, but he seemed, well, a little light and airy about the whole thing. I could see right through him by the end! Was thinking about you the whole time, and hope you'll be back on the line soon. Keeping Le Cheval & Thai Siam in business until you can get back to OAK for some good food. Hang in there and keep yer stick on the ice as Red Green would say.

    Liam, your fellow Hoser & sometimes-sidekick.

  4. Hi Ade,

    This is a great blog! Glad to note that you're responding well to the treatment. I can understand what you're going thru as I have family & friends who are suffering from a similar illness. I will forward this blog to them as I'm sure it will give them a lot of encouragement to know that they could deal with this in a positive manner. Keep your spirits high & believe in God!

    Alan - London (Rochelle's tax adviser)

  5. Ok, Ade. It was me, Em, again. Will follow instructions from now on. Promise.
