Friday, April 4, 2008

Radiation Round 8

Thanks Al.

Radiation Round 8 went well, and once again, pretty quick. I now have a weekend reprieve. A bit tired today. I will write more later.


  1. haha nice picture there. its from fish? get some sleep, papi.

  2. Was the next question something about a Turkish Prison Camp? Did you get to see Sir David's 1st in MLS. It was pretty nice. Hope you have a great weekend. Stuck in hooterville until at least Tuesday.
    Cheers, Pat

  3. Next time you go in for treatment, just make sure you don't bite your nurse like I did. I was clenching her hands from the pain of the biopsy and mistook her hands for mine when the bite ensued..she didn't appreciate that much.
    it's a shame max couldn't teach luca how to pee like a man this, lil

    ps: i think i should get a blog shout out for fixing your very bratslavian posting set up
