Monday, March 31, 2008

Radiation Round 4

Finally, some good news. The brain scan that I had done on Saturday came back normal. What a relief. Now the jokes can fly. I've heard 'em all!!!

Radiation was quick today. We also met with our radiation oncologist Dr. mark Brenner. I am so thrilled he is on our team.

Russ and family just got me the Lance Armstrong book "It's not about the bike". I can't wait to start it. Talking about inspirational.

Good day today.


  1. Hi Adrian, you probebly won't remember me, we met at your spot in Unionville when you were living with Bateman. Sandy just told me about your situation. Joy and I want to wish you a speedy recovery. We'll be thinking about ya and reading the installments of your Blog. Dave Gregg & Joy

  2. Leader among men:

    Adrian your attitude is fantastic. sooner or later we all with have to deal with these issues and your response is very inspirational.
    on the issue of what to do fix those f#@king doors on the UPS trucks. I hope the planes are more securely closed?
    Cousin Ellis.
