Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Radiation Round 21 & Chemo Round 5 - A change

After 21 rounds of radiation (3D conformal) I am having the final 14 rounds at a different facility. This will enable them to make the radiation xray approach from a different direction using a different machine (IMRT). This, however, will not give me immediate relief for the swallowing problems but it will help with protecting other organs and especially my spine. We are all thrilled with this development as it was a bit of a battle to get our insurance company on board. They finally did the right thing and approved the location of the remaining 14 rounds of radiation.

Suzy (one of Diana's best friends from Toronto) is visiting with us now. My chemo entourage is growing by the week. Hey, the more the merrier. I am just going to have to pick up more donuts for the radiation and chemo folks as well as the patients. As long as I get the first honey glazed.

Chemo went well today. Mary was off so Lisa did my treatments. All went just fine. Blood work was OK. Had the same room. Big enough to handle today's group. My Mom, Diana and Suzy.

I must sound like the official spokesman for the Portacath. The nurses asked me, once again, to talk to another elderly lady about my Portacath. Hopefully I was able to help her with her decision. Makes me feel good.

I had the radiation round 21 after chemo today. I had to wait a bit as they were quite backed up. Maybe it's a good sign that I am going elsewhere for the last 14 treatments!!! I did manage to get one of the last honey glazed donuts. Yummy. I even got a graduation certificate from the Sinai radiation department. Not totally sure what I graduated from


  1. congrats on your graduation daddy! you graduated before i did ;)

  2. congrats on your graduation daddy! you graduated before i did ;)

  3. sorry i posted that comment twice! heres a third one, but its different.

  4. I like this new career path for you...spokesperson for Portacath. Just make sure you don't get confused and sign on for Porta-potty spokesperson.

    Glad you're able to adapt to all the changes with such amazing spirit. Keep it up! We're with you.

  5. Couldn’t get onto the blog but want you to know that we are thinking of you and read your blog account regularly.

    Your attitude inspires me. Keep up that fighting, positive spirit. You seam to be taking this all in your stride and that confidence is truly

    remarkable. I tried your e-mail address and bulawayo but no luck. What am I doing wrong?

    Ellis Chitiz
