Thursday, August 7, 2008

That was a mistake!

Don't laugh but that's it for work outs for a while. I woke up early this morning and could hardly move. I have total body pain and guess where it's from. That easy brief work out yesterday.

I'm going for a massage later today so maybe that will help along with some well deserved rest after that "traumatic" work out.

Silvie came back, this evening, from his visit to New York. He will stay with us until Monday and then Back to Zimbabwe. Hopefully he will have an easier time with the currency (10 zeros have been lopped off the bills) when he gets back. On a somewhat optimistic note, you can only hope that the talks between the MDC and ZANU-PF will produce something of substance.


  1. Adrian
    I suggest you remain mentally prepared to work out, any work out tape will do. A cold beer helps the concentration while watching these tapes and is also high in carbs, which you need.

    Bob P

  2. Shalom Adrian! That’s me, Tal (Isaacson). Last time I saw you, we were climbing the Messada, remember? That was a fun Bar Mitzva! (when was that? 4 years ago?). Just came back from a visit to Israel (I still live in Ithaca, NY) and dad told me about you and sent me the link to your blog. I have been reading it for the last hour- I have two words for you: Kol Hakavod! (no way to translate that to English, sorry… but I think you know what I mean) kol hakavod to you and to all the people around you for the mutual support and love and for the high spirit. I’m sending you all my wishes and hopes for improvement.Shabat shalom, Tal

  3. It seems like you are surrounded by all the right people and get all the support one could wish for, but if there is anything i can do for you- please let me know.All the best, and regards to your gang!
