Thursday, August 28, 2008

Homeward bound

It has been pretty hard topping every day with something better. But we seemed to have managed. I feel the trip for me is at it's highlight now so I will be heading back to Baltimore today early afternoon and getting home around 10PM. Oh, by the way, another massage scheduled for this morning before I leave.

It has been an incredibly positive change of scenery for me particularly after 7 weeks of radiation therapy in conjunction with 15 weeks of chemotherapy. And boy, Las Vegas is impressive. It worked out to be some really good R & R for me. I did decide to forgo the facial, manicure and pedicure though. See, I'm still the rugged out doors type with the rugged voice and the lung cancer to prove it. I'm really a mans man!!! Maybe even, dare I say, A Lumberjack!

Thanks M.

On a more domestic level, I need to be back home to help Diana move Robyn back to school on Friday. Our little girl is going back to second year college.

Carpe Diem.


  1. wayne newton tried to join the hairybacks many years ago..wasn't good he landed up in vegas....
    ryan is in jewish idols on sunday night[ semi finals]..will keep you posted


  2. Have a good trip home, you need a vacation from your vacation.
    Wish I could have come seen ya.

    Happy Birtday

    Now relax!

    Flying Queen
