Friday, May 16, 2008

Radiation Round 35 - Last Round

Well, I never thought it would get here. The last radiation went smoothly. Overall, the treatments went well. I never did miss a session. Now I deal with the aftermath and the residual radiation. I have been told that it can be up to 4 weeks until things return to normal. I hope mine is quicker.


  1. well done skin...i take my hat off to you for remaining positive through all this- please g-d the worst is over ..and you can only go forward from here on...our thoughts are with you all the time

    stan and glenda

  2. I follow your blog and although I cant add to it I really admire you candor and your attitude. keep up the excellent work .


  3. Congrats Adrian,
    Went and had PF Changs in your honor tonight. Hope the weekend goes well. Go Big Brown!!
    Cheers, Pat
