Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Blast off

Well, not the best sleep, but I'm up. Trying to think too much about the upcoming radiation and chemo treatments. For me, it's really the waiting and the unknown that sometimes gets to me.

I had the radiation at 9:15am. Very quick and painless. Russ got to meet Dr. Brenner the radiology oncologist. Interestingly, it's the radiation that is the really important part of the treatment. The chemo supplements the radiation. None the less, having just said that, the chemo is also a vital part of this treatment plan.

We then walked over to the Infusion center and the whole chemo process started up. The whole first session took about six hours. While waiting, Diana, Russ and I decided to play charades. Russy decided to do a movie for her turn at charades. She chose a movie with 5 words. We guessed the first word as "No". The second word had 2 syllable and she frantically pointed at her crotch for the first syllable. After losing control hysterically, we guessed the movie as "No Country for Old Men". We were in hysterics when the nurse came back in. We simply couldn't explain why we were laughing so hard. A ton of questions asked and gobs of information given. It was great to have Diana and Russ with me. We met with Dr Erlich our oncologist. Went through the treatment plan and will be having a once a week treatment for six weeks. I had the first treatment today. I was given a cocktail of Avastin, Carboplatin and Docetaxel. Gave me some other stuff too. My standing appointment is every Wednesday 10 am to 2 pm.

Went home and had a little nap and then off to target Pharmacy to pick up a bunch of prescriptions. As they explained at the Hospital, for every boo boo they have a band aid. I think I may be using a lot of band aids!!!

We then went to The Vitaminne Shoppe to pick up some protein and weight gain supplements. Mike put a sign on the fridge door that reads,"Those who eat well,do well". I intend to follow this advice.

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