Monday, October 19, 2009

What the Toronto trip was aboot

We (Diana and I) spent a couple of days in Toronto and had a jolly good time what. It's always nice for her to visit with her family and it's great for both of us to catch up with old friends.

Our primary reason for the visit was to attend Justin Polgar's Barmitzvah. Justin is the son of one of Diana's oldest (time) and best friends, Suzy. The Barmy was a hoot and it was great to all be together with so many good friends. I keep saying "old" friends and it seems like we should all be in nursing homes but the "old" refers to friends we have know for a very long time. Just like the mates I grew up with in Zim, a lot of the hoser canuck friends are who Diana grew up with in Toronto.

We also spent a lot of time eating out at restaurants that we have been frequenting for the past couple of decades. Damn, we are getting old! I did not get to see everyone I wanted to or eat at more places but there is just so much time in a day. Even in Canada. Til next time.

Carpe Diem Eh.

1 comment:

  1. How about the great surprise on the plane ride there??!! How fun it was to run into you guys! We had a blast.

