Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm feeling it!

Well I've had a couple of good days but now I'm feeling what more than likely is the Neulasta shot effects from Tuesday. Really bad neck pain and lower back pain. Oh well!!!

Yesterday I did my rounds at Sinai. I took a gift to one of the RN's who was really helpful in having my records transferred to St. Joseph. I also took a small gift to Mary and went and thanked her , once again, for treating me so well over the past year. I will miss her.

We are also looking into a consult with Doctors at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Phil is helping us immensely with all her great contacts there. We are not trying to create a sense of urgency or doom and gloom with all these consults etc. but are just trying to leave no stone unturned for future treatment.

Friday morning our very good friends from Toronto, Spike (Mervyn) and Aviva, are coming to spend the weekend with us. It was Spike's mom who recently passed away after a very long and tough life. She is deeply missed.

Carpe Diem.


  1. Sorry you're feeling the pain. It sounds like you have a good attitude. Hope you can go outside, enjoy the warm weather and take advantage of your beautiful back yard. We're all thinking of you.

  2. Hey, Adrian.

    Love the $50 trillion note. Seems to me, getting rid of the Zim dollar is good in the long run, but may cause problems in the here and now.

    Love the site, love what progress. However, you need help with the copy. You should let me work on it for you. Also, giving me the kids' info for the bios might be a good idea.

    Let me know what you want to do.

    Take care and hold the good thought,


  3. Sorry that you're in pain Ade. Do meds help? Or a massage? I can't wait for Max and Luca to have a playdate in your backyard.

  4. Hey Ade-
    Checking in. Was happy to hear you've found your "Mary" at St. Joe's. Must be hard to make the transition to another hospital, but I think you'll find there are really good people in that business.

    Bummer to hear of your pain. Maybe try one of those microwave-heated buckwheat bags that wrap around the neck? Hope the pain is diminishing day by day.

    Thinking of you often and hoping the pain by now is old news!

    The weather is Boston today is finally, finally going to be warm! Have been freezing every single day! My wish for you is a beautifully sunny weekend that you can enjoy with your friends. What'
    s Chef Mike gonna cook?
