Monday, March 23, 2009

What's this all mean

I wish I knew. I spent most of the morning on the phone but still had time for a good rest. The pain meds are really doing the job. Now I have to keep the balance of being somewhat pain free and reducing the pain meds intake. I did not have to go today to the infusion center at Sinai Hospital for my blood work as I was able to explain, to those that needed to know, that they had all the blood work and tests they needed from my Friday night hospital stay. Phew, all that in one sentence!

So the chronology of upcoming events are as follows:
PET/CT scan April 1st.
Consult with Dr. Krasna and his team at St. Joseph's April 2nd.
Meeting with Dr. Noga (sitting in for Dr. Kumar) and his team at Sinai April 8th.
Somewhere amongst all of this we will be in touch with Dr. Erlich.

Carpe Diem.


  1. What a bloody ordeal. If it was a job, you'd quit it. Appreciate the update, although I'm sure writing the blog is probably the last thing you may feel like doing. But your audience is here, waiting for you.

  2. As long as you keep breathing, I think pain meds are good! Sounds like a busy week next week. Thinking of you.

  3. Hey, Ade-
    Your Boston fan checking in. So sorry for the crap that occurred at the end of last week. Must've been very frightening. Glad that it all turned out alright. Yeah, you're gonna be busy with the medical stuff next week, but try to relax as best you can. As you know from what I've already said, I don't understand why everything comes down to Man U. But, if you want them to win, I want them to win. I 'm with you, Bud--all the way. Go Man U!!! :-)
