Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Off again

On Monday evening I decided to pay a visit to Phil and the gang in New York. This was all last minute and purely spontaneous. Part of the reason was to thank her in person for the South Africa tickets. So, Tuesday morning I went to New York.

There is a really nice bus service that goes from Baltimore to New York about a half a dozen times per day. Very convenient, incredibly reasonable and only about 3 hrs 15 mins travel time.

I tried to treat Phil to Tuesday lunch but she insisted on paying. In the evening I tried to treat Phil and How to dinner but, once again, How beat me to it. I was successful the next day in paying for a delivered Japanese lunch for me and a couple of the ladies in Phil's office. Success at last: I paid it forward. The meal, that is.

I had a great day and a half in New York and then went home to Baltimore on Wednesday evening. There was a method to this madness for the quick trip other than hanging with my sister. She was leaving on an international business trip on Thursday with a whole bunch of journalists. I thought I could sneak aboard this trip as a journalist from the Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) Chronicle. They were traveling in business class and staying at really nice hotels in exotic foreign destinations. It didn't work this time but you can bet I will keep trying. I may have to improve on my journalistic credentials.

Carpe Diem.


  1. Hey, Ade, just catching up with you. Had to laugh about your description about you and How taking your mum to the party. Quite a sight! Yes, folks out there, they do resemble each other quite a lot! I am interested to hear about the real estate in Boca--not that I'm moving there, but it's always good to hear how much bang for your buck you can get (or not) in other parts of the country. I've done my share of looking at really great places in that area just for the fun of it. Keep us posted!

    Glad to hear you are eating well. Geez, you've improved so much in that area. Love the 1-pack! It's a start! Keep it up!

  2. skinny ..let me know your dates for sa and zim...will try and fit you in to my busy schedule

