Sunday, December 12, 2010

What about me, you ask ?

Doing fine. We were pretty happy with the scan results. No spread and less activity. Even though the cancer is still evident in the right pleura it continues to stay there and not move anywhere else. Could it, should it, would it. Who knows. If or when that happens we will deal with it then !

I have 3 jobs right now. Well actually, 3 volunteer positions. I am driving patients to and from therapy for the American Cancer Society and I am also driving patients to various appointments for Jewish Community Services. I find this very therapeutic for me as it forces me to realize that there is always someone worse off than myself. Some of the people I drive I find incredibly interesting and wonderful to talk to. The third volunteer position is with the Baltimore Fire Department. The easiest way to explain what we do is to give you this link:

As long as I am fit and well I will continue to do lots of traveling between chemo sessions. We will all be in Boca just after new years and then it looks like back to Africa at the end of January for me. The ZimKids project is going well and Dennis is back in Bulawayo right now. I'm hoping to get an update from him about ZimKids. We continue to have logistical problems about how to move all these collected medical supplies to Zimbabwe. Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated.

On a sad note. There was a couple that I would have lunch with every now and again. I spoke to Paul the other night and he informed me that while I was recently in Africa, Gabriella (his wife of 52 years) had passed away. She had been dealing with lung cancer for the past couple of years. In the very short time that I had know her she was an interesting and charming lady. I know she will be sorely missed. My deepest condolences to Paul and the rest of the family.

Carpe Diem. 

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