Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday and lots going on

I woke up at about 4am. Not the greatest of sleeps but I am feeling pretty good so far.

We have the plumbers coming in today to instal an additional hot water electiric heater. That way we will run the exiting gas and new electric heaters in series all the time. But we will have the ability to isolate either heater if there is a problem. Sounds cool - hope it works!


  1. Hey, Ade. Thanks for telling me how to get back into the blog. I can't figure out what the heck my problem was.
    Great to hear that Boca was refreshing for you. I have and had no doubt that hanging with your mum and sister was a very therapeutic experience. I understand that the support and love you get from your own blood means so much. I work in the health care field, and unfortunately see so many situations where the family is so screwed up they simply are of no use to each other. They often don't even like each other. You are blessed with a great family, all of whom are ready to jump in at any time. I know that to be true.
    Sounds like the chemo is a mix of customized meds just for you. Geez, 7 hours is a long haul for infusion. Not fun. I was touched by the fact that your kids were there with you, and that you sent them home after a while. All good peeps, you guys.
    I assume you will not get treatment tomorrow, the 4th.
    I appreciate what you said about how you look; you've been so honest with your readers. I understand your feelings about that. It's great that your appetite has been good. Give yourself time. Hey, I've always found that if I look sickly, a little lipstick makes a big dif. Not sure that would work for you. Just a thought....
    Meantime, take care, Ade. Best to you.
    These "word verifications" below are killin' me. Not sure I read them right!

  2. hey about your fear of looking sickly....i have this fear of waking up in the morning ..looking in the mirror..and my face looks like spike's.....shudder..uggghhh.
    hang in there my are truly blessed with a beautiful family..youre doing good

