Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm off again

I can't sit still for 5 minutes so off I go, again, to London. I will hang out with the Bass gang again and go to the obligatory Footy game. This one will be special as it's Tottenham vs Man U at White Heart Lane (in London). I leave tomorrow (Monday) and Robyn will be joining us this Friday for a rather short weekend London visit. We are both really excited about the game and of course, spending time with the family.

The car was officially declared a "submarine" and consequently, written off. The sport court was repaired so things are mostly back to normal at home!!! Believe it or not, Diana and I are sort of enjoying this almost empty nest. We still have to hang out with Max. Having said that, it's still great seeing the Knoblets (kids) when we can.

Mike came home this weekend. It was good to see him again (even after 1 week). So far, he says school is going just fine. Diana's Laundry service was in full swing today. Even Robyn sent stuff home to be washed. No visit from her this time but I will see her Friday in London for an action packed few days. We will both return to the States on Sunday September 13th.

Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. God, Ade--I can't keep up with you! Running hither and yon--you're a regular "globe-trotter."
    Sending love to the whole mishpochah!
